In this tutorial i am going to share some tips regarding hyperlinks in excel, you will learn how to remove a single hyperlink, remove multiple hyperlinks and how to turn off or disable automatic hyperlinks created by excel as you type a web address/email address.
Remove Single Hyperlink in excel:
If you want to remove single hyperlink at a time and leave the text of the excel links intact. To keep the text but remove the hyperlink Right Click on excel link and select “Remove Hyperlink”. You will notice the text is there but link removed.
For removing the hyperlink and the text completely Right click and select delete.
Remove Multiple Hyperlinks in Excel (OR All Excel Links):
- For removing multiple excel links select all cell containing hyperlinks, right click and select Remove Hyperlinks.
- If you want to remove all hyperlinks from an excel sheet press CTRL + A then right click and select Remove Hyperlinks.
How to Turn Off or Disable Automatic Hyperlinks in Excel:
By Default excel automatically creates hyperlinks as you finish typing any URL or web address. If you are not comfortable with the automatic hyperlink creation feature of excel, you can turn it off by following the below steps. Don’t hesitate; you can re-enable auto hyperlinks feature at any time by following the exact same steps.
1. Click File and then Click Options from the menu.
2. From the Excel Options Window Click on Proofing and then click on the AutoCorrect Options Button.
3. From the auto correct window click on AutoFormat as you Type Tab and unCheck the box next to Internet and network paths with hyperlink.
If you have followed the above steps correctly then you have successfully turned off the automatic hyperlinks insertion feature in Microsoft excel.
I was just looking for it, and this tutorial “How to turn Off and remove hyperlink in Microsoft excel” made my day. Thanks a lot for your efforts.