Most of us who is suffering from gout and those who want to prevent future gout attacks are searching for different life styles, diet and foods that can lower high uric acid levels.
You probably have read about the lemon juice for treating gout and lowering high uric acid levels, If you still are looking and searching for an evidence based answer to “If lemon juice really lowers High Uric Acid levels?“, it is YES, If just a simple “yes” is not enough for your satisfaction, continue reading and learn why and how lemon juice reduces high uric acid levels.
Lemon Juice decreases Serum Uric Acid Level:
Another Study conducted on Lemon Juice and Serum Uric Acid Level in 2015(reference) consisting gout patients and individuals with hyperuricemia, with not much demographic differences. Two freshly squeezed lemons in 2 liters of water were given to each patient for 6 weeks and 1.6mg/dL decrease in serum uric acid levels of gout sufferers was noted at the end of 6th week.
Other finding of the study also include the decrease in serum creatinine in all the participating individuals. You may want to know this, high levels of creatinine is responsible for kidney failure.
Lemon Juice helps the pancreas in the formation of calcium carbonate which neutralize uric acid by alkalizing urine and blood. The more alkalize the urine is the more uric acid it carries out of the body.
Vitamin C intake Lowers Gout Risk:
We all know that lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C, and a prospective study conducted on Vitamin C intake and Gout Risk published in 2009(reference) study suggests that vitamin C can decrease serum uric acid. Although with smaller doses of Vitamin C there were small changes in serum uric acid, but with high dose such as 1500mg/day for 3 to 7 days significant decrease in the serum uric acid was recorded.
Researchers of this study found that “the risk of gout decreased with increasing vitamin C intake, resulting in up to a 45% lower risk at the top vitamin C intake category of 1500 mg or more” .
100 grams of lemon contains only 53 mg of Vitamin C which does not seems enough according to the above study for lowering uric acid levels in gout patients, but remember small dose of vitamin C does help in lowering uric acid even if it is not that significant.