How to Export Google Chrome Bookmarks

Bookmarks are shortcuts to the sites for faster access and regular visits. While searching or reading on the internet we bookmark the sites which we are interested in, with the intent that we will visit these sites again in the near future.

Almost all Modern browsers let us save webpages in the form of bookmarks for future visits by eliminating the need of writing all those web addresses in a text file or memorizing these web addresses.

In this tutorial we will show you how to export google chrome bookmarks for transferring to another computer or any other browser on the same computer.

Steps to Export Google Chrome Bookmarks:

1. Open or Launch Google Chrome.

2. Click on the three vertical dots at the top right side of address bar.

export chrome bookmarks

3. Select Bookmarks from the menu and click on Bookmark manager to launch bookmark manager.

Export google chrome bookmarks

4. Click on the three vertical dots in bookmark manager page.

Export chrome bookmarks bookmark manager

5. Select Export bookmarks from the menu.

export chrome bookmarks with bookmark manager

6. Enter a name and specify a location where you want to store your bookmarks file, click on Save button to export google chrome bookmarks.

export google chrome bookmarks with bookmark manager

Upon clicking on Save button google chrome creates an HTML file which contains all your bookmarks, you can import all your bookmarks in any browser on the same computer or another computer. Also you can send your bookmarks file as an attachment with email.

Q: Can we export bookmarks from google chrome

A: Yes, we can export google chrome bookmarks.

Q: Can we export google chrome bookmarks to Firefox and any other browser?

A: Yes google chrome bookmarks can be imported in Firefox and any other browser of your choice. On exporting bookmarks google chrome creates an HTML file of all the bookmarks, which can be sent through email and can be imported to the browser of your choice.

Hope that you have learned “How to export bookmarks from Google chrome” If you liked this post, kindly share it on social media with your friends.
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  1. […] You may want to read How to export bookmarks in google chrome. […]

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